"Creativity takes courage" - Henri Matisse

Art Intense courses are perfect for students who are looking to join a class to further enhance their skills with practise, professional guidance, and the company of other improving artists. The classes are filled with students of mixed abilities. Including those who have only just completed a beginner's course to students who have been learning for a number of courses. As Briony tutors all Art Intense beginner's and improver classes she can adapt her guidance to suit each student's skill. Therefore, every student will receive personalised tuition and advice for their capabilities, and all students despite their level of experience will be able to attempt the project set.
The improvers courses are made up of 3-hour lessons that take place once a week at a particular location. Each term there is a new curriculum so students can return to the same class but not repeat any lessons. Each course covers a wide range of subjects which are intended to inspire and broaden your artistic knowledge and practice. The lessons covered include pencil drawing, charcoal drawing, oil pastel, watercolour and acrylic.
In preparation for each class as part of a course -Students will receive a link that will
provide you with all the relevant information you will require ahead of the class.
This includes a copy of the original project artwork completed by Briony,
along with several process pictures to give students good visual representation of
how the artwork was approached. There will also be a comprehensive instruction
sheet that specifies the exact materials Briony used such as paints, brushes, and
size/type of supports. Students will have a selection of reference photos for
inspiration including the exact one used by Briony. You are encouraged to bring a
copy of an image and/or a copy of the sheet with you - Either printed or downloaded
onto your tablet/phone.
At the start of each class Briony will have her finished artwork on display for students to study and use as a reference, or inspiration if needed. She will then talk through the project and explain the choice of subject and the artwork objectives. This will be followed by a comprehensive 30-40 min live demonstration that covers all the techniques and tips students will need to know to attempt the artwork themselves. During this time students will be able to take notes and ask questions while Briony works. After the live demo she will then be available to offer personalised advice and tuition to each student individually.
Unlike a franchise where classes can total 30+ students, and can include beginners working alongside, the Art Intense classes are capped at 16 students. All of which will be taking on the same project to insure only one lesson is being taught and to better allow time for 1-on-1 evaluations.
Every student is encouraged to practice at home as well as in the class as this is
vital for the natural growth of creativity and skill. Therefore, students have usually
started to accumulate their own art supplies and equipment.
As many students like to continue a project at home and complete the work in their
own time. As many brands offer different versions of pigments and quality it is never
beneficial to start a piece of artwork with different materials to ones you have at
home. Therefore, students are required to bring their own equipment to class such
as brushes, mediums, supports, water jars, & palettes. Art Intense will provide basic
art materials such as tape, drawing boards, table top easels, and some drawing tools.
For dates and locations of upcoming Art Intense please visit the online shop to book a place.

Guildford venue -
Blackheath Village Hall

painting demo
To see examples of previous class projects and students artworks please see below
For enquiries about Art Intense please contact Briony directly using the number and/or email below.
Alternatively, you can fill in the form and Briony will get back to you as soon as possible.
07988 805 345